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I bought a Porsche 992 over these 3 DEVALUED Supercars

What can you really buy if you look around

Due to not moving house I suddenly found myself with the ability to finance a car that I never thought would be possible in my lifetime. I decided if I was going to do it I would go out and see what I could get looking new and used and then biting the bullet.

As you will know from my previous videos I bought a Porsche 992 Carrera new. But I did consider buying 3 other devalued supercars that were available around the £85,000 mark equal to the 992 value. Now this was in the UK and a year after putting my deposit down the cars are still around the same price range (just maybe slightly newer than the previous cars I compared).

So what were the cars?

When looking at cars I could also afford 2nd hand I immediately looked at how far I could stretch in performance. I knew the new 992 Carrera was decent specification when it came to performance so what else would I look for? Well I outside of my main dream car in the 911 I would jump at the chance of owning a Ferrari. More specifically a mid engine Ferrari.
But then mid engine Ferraris in that price band were older cars so could I get a newer Ferrari? The answer is yes but it wasn't really the most exciting model. If you leave Ferrari there is the mid engine Audi that is also much newer and likely cheaper to maintain. As you can tell you can go on forever if you are willing to chase the numbers!

However the 3 cars I seriously considered were the following:

1. Ferrari F430 - F1 gearbox
2. Ferrari California
3. Audi R8 - second generation

How did I decide what car I wanted to go with?

If you have read my previous blog posts you will see I ran through 5 costs on my 992 Carrera which I considered before purchasing the car. When running through those costs I ran through the same costs with the 3 other cars to see how they compared and if I could rule out any cars based on them.

Again those costs were insurance, road tax, service costs, fuel/economy & tyres.

If you would like to watch my video running through the cars and cost you can view that here

Why did I eventually choose the 992 Carrera?

As much as I really wanted to own one of the 2nd hand supercars, especially the Ferrari F430, I just couldn't ignore the 992 being the newest, most modern, more cost efficient car to run and own. In general terms it also appeared to be the more practical car to run every day. I also felt the car would not run into some of the 5 costs quickly if at all being a brand new car also making finance easier to attain from the dealer than 3rd party on an older supercar.

I do feel I made the right choice although I can't still rule out finding a way to say I was at least a Ferrari time.


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